Education Minor

The Education Minor is designed to provide students who are not seeking teacher certification the opportunity to explore a variety of topics relevant to the field of Education. The minor is intended to provide students with opportunities to pursue their professional aspirations, explore areas of personal interest, prepare for graduate study, and prepare for roles as informed parents and citizens. Students who take the minor are required to complete two core courses (six credits). The remaining 12 credits are completed by electing ECE and/or EDUC courses. The Education Minor does not lead to teacher certification, and students who complete the minor are not eligible for the Professional Semester, including student teaching. Students are advised to refer to catalog course descriptions for specific course prerequisites.

(18 credits)

Complete the following for your minor:

EDUC 201Education and American Society


PSYC 203/EDUC 203Educational Psychology


Twelve credits from the following:

Any 100-, 200-, or 300-level courses in EDUC, with the exception of EDUC 362.

Note: Three (3) credits outside of EDUC may be elected with approval of the Department of Education Chair. Courses elected should represent areas of study that are relevant to the field of Education. Such topics may include (but are not limited to) the following: learning, cognition, development, family relationships, literacy, social theory, assessment, social science research methods, philosophy, and public policy.