Communicable Disease/Pandemic Policy
Policy approved by Mercy College Board of Trustees, June 2020
In order to promote a safe and healthy learning environment, Mercy College (the “College”) administration has adopted this policy to mitigate the spread or outbreak of communicable diseases. This policy will be interpreted and administered in order to protect the health and well-being of the College community.
This policy applies to Mercy College administration, faculty, staff, students, visitors and other parties such as vendors and affiliates.
This policy applies to all communicable diseases as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and local county health departments. According to the CDC, communicable diseases are diseases that can be transmitted and make people ill, caused by infective agents (such as, bacteria and viruses), which invade the body and multiply or release toxins to cause damage to normal body cells and their functions. These infective agents can spread from a source of infection (e.g. patients, sick animals) to a person through various routes of transmission such as air, object, or through casual contact. As of the date of this policy, the CDC has identified the following common communicable diseases:
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Diphtheria (upper respiratory infection)
- Herpes simplex
- Meningococcal infections
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Cytomegalovirus infections
- Tuberculosis
- Viral Infections, such as COVID-19
- Varicella
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Streptococcal infection
- Zoster
- Enteroviral infections
- Other communicable diseases are applicable to this policy as periodically identified by the CDC, the ODH and local county health departments.
Possible actions during a communicable disease outbreak: It is the intent of the College to comply with all applicable federal and state laws in connection with an individual who contracts a communicable disease. Students, employees and visitors are encouraged to immediately report information related to the potential occurrence of a communicable disease within the College community. In the event of a known or potential communicable disease in the College community, the College will review and monitor the situation on a case-by-case basis and work with local, state and federal authorities, as necessary, to determine the appropriate course of action.
As permitted by law, the College administration may take steps to identify and address known or potential communicable diseases, including but not limited to the following:
Concerning the College community,
- Closing of one or more parts of the College by order of the Governor;
- Closing of one or more parts of the College as authorized by the College President while awaiting a decision by the Governor or State or Local Public Health Director;
- Closing of one or more parts of the College by agreement between Public Health officials and the College authority or by order of Public Health officials;
- in the event of College closure, College administration may determine alternate delivery methods to maintain the continuity of education and related services for students.
- Concurrence by public health officials and/or the College that employee(s) should be excluded from the workplace;
- Isolation of ill or symptomatic individuals upon public health official guidance; or quarantine of exposed or potentially ill individuals upon public health official guidance.
- College administration may also institute infection control practices, based upon guidance by public health officials, such as social distancing, including without limitation measures such as:
- reducing face-to-face exposure by using conference calls and video conferencing;
- restricting or avoiding travel to high-risk locations;
- canceling meetings, workshops, training sessions, and scheduled events; requiring employees to work from home to reduce exposure in the workplace;
- establishing flexible working hours to avoid mass transportation;
- installing protective barriers between work stations or increasing space between workers;
- reinforcing hand washing and requiring the use of protective equipment such as hand sanitizers and masks (provided by the College);
- scheduling employees in shifts;
- controlling access to buildings; and
- College administration may also implement additional suggested practices and actions recommended by public health officials including but not limited to the ODH and the CDC.
Concerning individuals, and in addition to the above:
- Inquire about an individual’s medical condition;
- Require an individual who has contracted a communicable disease to submit a physician's statement of health prior to returning to the College, which may include proof of appropriate vaccination and/or negative test for the communicable disease;
- Require an individual to submit to an appropriate medical evaluation from a physician of the College’s choosing at the College's expense;
- Consult with the individual’s physician (with appropriate consent) regarding the communicable disease;
- Consult with a physician designated by the College, and such other persons or resources, including the public health department, to assist in determining the appropriate course of action;
- Exclude individuals who are infected or at risk of infection from the classroom, workplace or other College activities (employees will follow the College’s policies, procedures and other requirements for requesting/receiving benefits and leaves of absence);
- Maintain the confidentiality of and/or disclose the identity and other information regarding the communicable disease as may be required by law;
- Follow guidance or directives from federal, state or local authorities; and
- Implement other temporary action(s) that is reasonably required to prevent unacceptable risk of exposure until the College is able to consult with a physician or federal, state or local authorities.
Programs with Clinical/Practicum Experiences
If faculty and students continue participating in clinical or practicum experiences during a communicable disease outbreak or pandemic, they should adhere to the communicable disease protocol of the assigned clinical site and any supplemental procedures communicated by College.