College and Career Readiness Department
Change your life trajectory at CWC!
CWC’s College and Career Readiness Department is all about employability. If you have reached a point in life where the need to complete your Alternative High School Diploma or improve your English Language Skills, is important to achieving your goals, we are here to support you.
We are one of 10, State of Wyoming, approved programs to earn your HiSET diploma. As an approved program, you will gain a whole lot more than just instruction in the basics of Reading, Writing and Math. While you’ll spend plenty of time working on those skills you will also explore career options and develop a Career Pathway Plan including things like a VR or real-life job shadowing experience. You will complete a digital literacy program adding to your college and career readiness. Students also complete a financial literacy program, resumes and learn to write winning letters of application. Our program will also introduce you to programs and agencies that can help you receive training and assistance as you work to reach your career goal. Classes start 4 times per academic year, enrollment ends for each course approximately one week prior to the start date. Please be aware that the enrollment/admission process requires completion of a series of exams. These exams take a minimum of two days to complete, 3 days is recommended. Therefore, you will not be able to wait until the last day of registration to begin the process. Class space is limited. Your enrollment will require completion of an Introductory HiSET/Career Services course that will take place the first week of class. Please check our webpage to access the online application form or contact us to find out the next start date and enrollment deadlines.
Our English as a Second Language (ESL) program is offered in a hybrid format with live instruction via Zoom or online format allowing you to participate from, home, work, your car or where ever you may be come class time. As with the HiSET program, the focus in on employability. Our students have found that improving their English language fluency can lead to job promotions, the ability to engage in educational opportunities like earning a HiSET or enrolling in career training programs. Along with improving your overall English language skills classes will provide insight into digital and financial literacy and offer avenues to advanced career training opportunities. Classes are offered Fall and Spring Semesters. Registration can begin 90 days before the next semester and testing is required for placement into class. Please check our webpage for access to the online application form and enrollment deadlines.
All programs are free, supported through the generosity of CWC and grant funding. We are unable to provide enrollment to persons with F1 or J1 Visas. Students ages 16-17 are required to have an age waiver form completed.
Questions – Please check our webpages, call or email:
Christy Pyles
Program Director