PEAT 2026 Varsity Ranch Horse

This course is designed to prepare varsity ranch horse athletes for competition. The course will focus on improving and enriching the individual's knowledge and skills in the area of ranch horse. It will be a course for men and women to participate in an organized team sport on a collegiate level. Participation in these activities will not satisfy any general education requirements. Prerequisite: Instructor permission required. (2 lab) (Max 4)


1 credits

Major Topics

  • Horsemanship
  • Safety, Care, & Training
  • Teamwork
  • Competition Experience
  • Development of Professional Contacts


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate correct horsemanship

2. Apply current training methods and techniques to the training of the versatile ranch horse leading to a more advanced and finished stock horse as a working animal in and out of the show ring.

3. Demonstrate proper position on a cow to maintain the working advantage, both when working flat and going down the fence.

4. Analyze personal show ring performance.

5. Implement a training plan to prepare for the next show.

6. Demonstrate professionalism.

7. Network with a variety of equine professionals.

8. Discuss new topics, ideas, and experiences which will assist in clarifying career interests.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

 It will be expected for the Ranch Horse Team members to show their horse in a number of different judged classes including ranch riding, ranch trail, reining, working cow horse and sometimes cutting. The horse and rider will be scored based off their performance in the ring.