EQST 3600 Training and Development of the Young Horse I

This course is an advanced riding and training course where the student will develop proper techniques to initiate training and development of young horses, building a foundation upon which more advanced training can be applied. This course includes basic groundwork, trailer loading, longeing, ground driving, saddling, and first ride. The student will implement training techniques to develop a solid foundation, resulting in a green broke horse who is prepared for more advanced training.  The student will need to provide a 2 to 3 year-old horse that has little prior handling. Working with young horses is a challenge, due to the unpredictable nature of horses, and requires the successful student to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. The student will be directly assessed on their ability to apply acquired training techniques by demonstrating their competency, mastery, and positive progression through the training and development of their young horse. This course requires the strong skills gained in previous EQST courses. Prerequisites:  Completion of EQST 2625, instructor permission, and a suitable horse (1 lect., 10 lab)


6 credits

Major Topics

  • Evaluating a young horse
  • Equipment needs
  • Basic groundwork: halter breaking, training to lead and tie, handling feet
  • Trailer loading
  • Round penning
  • Longeing
  • Ground driving
  • Saddling
  • First ride
  • Development of a green broke horse: walk, trot, canter both leads, stop, back-up, turning


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Evaluate a young horse for their potential to meet future performance goals.

2. Select proper tack and equipment when training and developing the young horse.

3. Incorporate safe and effective groundwork.

4. Develop a green broke horse who is ready for more advanced training.

5. Produce a written training journal, keeping track of day to day progress.

6. Create a video portfolio of the horse's progress at regular intervals.