CULA 2800 Meat Prep and Cooking

Basic meat preparation and cooking methods applicable to beef, lamb, veal, pork, fish, and poultry are the focus of this course. Cooking procedures such as roasting, sauteing. braising, grilling, baking, broiling, pan broiling, and pan-frying are emphasized. Identification and characteristics of cuts of meat, U.S.D.A. quality grades, and Federal Meat Inspection Regulations are addressed. Overall kitchen functions for preparing and expediting food during service hours in a restaurant are emphasized. (1 lect., 6 lab)


4 credits

Major Topics

  • Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrate
  • Connective Tissue
  • Yield Grading
  • Basic Cuts: Beef, Lamb, Veal, and Pork
  • Cooking Methods
  • Frozen Meats
  • Poultry and Game Birds
  • Cooking Poultry and Game Birds
  • Mollusks
  • Cephalopods
  • Cutting Fish
  • Muscle Fibers
  • Quality Grading
  • Aged Meat
  • Beef, Lamb, Veal, and Pork Cuts
  • Game Meats
  • Storage of Meats
  • Grading of Poultry
  • Shellfish
  • Crustaceans
  • Fin Fish
  • Cooking Fat and Lean Fish


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify and describe the composition and structure of meat.

2. Explain the federal meat inspection and grading system for the following: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Poultry.

3. Describe the importance of muscle fiber in meats.

4. Describe the meat aging process.

5. Identify the primal cuts of beef, lamb, veal, and pork.

6. Describe and select appropriate cooking methods for the following: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Poultry, Fish.

7. Demonstrate cooking the following meats by roasting, broiling, sautéing, pan frying, and griddling: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork.

8. Identify and classify poultry.

9. Describe the techniques of poultry cooking.

10. List and describe seven basic market forms of fish.

11. Identify and describe the quality grading system for fish.

12. Demonstrate cutting techniques for fish.

13. Identify and describe the cooking methods for fish.

14. Demonstrate the correct method to store fish and fish products.

15. Outline the steps in safely handling shellfish.

16. Demonstrate cooking fish by: Baking, Broiling, Sautéing, Pan-frying, Poaching in fumet and wine.

17. Identify and describe the basic cuts of common game meats.

18. Describe and demonstrate the preparation procedures for frozen meats.

19. Describe and demonstrate the proper storage for the following meats: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Game Meat.

Other Information

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Recommended textbook: Professional Cooking, Sixth Edition By: Wayne Gisslen Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.