COSC 1000 Computer Programming:

This course addresses entry-level structured programming using the Visual Basic language. Topics covered include assignment, input/output, arithmetic, looping and decision structures, designing the user interface forms, sub-procedure creation, and array handling. The course content emphasizes the power and flexibility of this popular high-level language. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 0930 or test in MATH 1400. Co-requisite: CMAP 1500 (or demonstrated keyboard proficiency). (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Foundations of Object Orientation
  • Understanding Class Definitions
  • Creating Objects and Classes
  • Designing Graphical User Interfaces
  • Program Design, Testing, Debugging, and Deployment
  • Data Types
  • Concepts of Structures, Inheritance, and Abstraction


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Apply programming fundamentals such as variables, conditions, iteration, data structures, etc.

2. Apply the basics of object-oriented programming including classes, objects, instances of a class, invoking methods, and using class libraries.

3. Use a modern programming language software development kit (SDK) environment to demonstrate basic principles of software development, including writing, compiling, debugging, executing, and publishing programs.

4. Create simple programs to solve specific problems (with and without a graphical user interface).