Graduation and Transfer Out Data

2013 Cohort 2014 Cohort 2015 Cohort 2016 Cohort Average
Overall Graduation Rate 28% 33% 42% 38% 35%
Overall Transfer Out Rate (prior to graduation) 18% 16% 19% 22% 19%
Rodeo Student Aid Graduation Rate 25% 44% 50% 71% 48%
Rodeo Student Aid Transfer Out Rate (prior to graduation) 8% 22% 38% 14% 21%
Volleyball Student Aid Graduation Rate 50% 40% 63% 43% 49%
Volleyball Student Aid Transfer Out Rate (prior To graduation) 38% 40% 25% 43% 36%
Basketball Student Aid Graduation Rate 41% 0% 41% 50% 33%
Basketball Student Aid Transfer Out Rate (prior to graduation) 53% 90% 41% 50% 59%
Golf Student Aid Graduation Rate 50% 60% 60% 57%
Golf Student Aid Transfer Out Rate (prior to graduation) 0% 40% 40% 27%
Cross Country Student Aid Graduation Rate 50% 33% 33% 39%
Cross Country Student Aid Transfer Out Rate (prior to graduation) 0% 17% 22% 13%

The Student Right-to-Know (SRTK) Act was enacted in 1990 by the U.S. legislature. It requires postsecondary educational institutions to disclose their graduation rates and transfer rates for first-time, full-time, degree or certificate seeking students within 150 percent of the institution’s longest undergraduate program. Thus, two-year colleges need to disclose these rates within three years of a student beginning a two-year program. The group of students who begin a program is called the “cohort” for that particular year.

Data collection began with the 1994 fall cohort and tracked graduation and transfers by spring of 1997 (150 percent time). Only students who begin their programs of study in the fall term of each year are tracked. Also, only first-time (after graduation from high school or receiving a GED certificate), full-time (considered to be full-time for the entire 50 percent if they are full-time their first semester of college work), degree or certificate seeking (no undeclared students are counted) students are tracked for disclosure by the SRTK Act. Central Wyoming College’s large population of part-time students AND students who take classes but do not intend to obtain a certificate or degree are not tracked in the SRTK graduation rate or transfer rate data.