THEA 1000 Intro to Theatre

This theater appreciation course is intended for students with little or no theater experience. Through hands-on creative projects students will explore the processes of acting, directing, designing, and playwriting while examining historical and contemporary plays and production styles (2 lect., 2 lab) ARTS


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • The basic elements of theatre
  • Theatre as an art and an expression of culture
  • Responsibilities, processes, and techniques of the actor, director, designers, and playwright
  • Reading a play
  • Major theatrical periods and styles
  • Implementing the processes and techniques of actors, directors, designers, and playwrights in creative projects
  • Making aesthetic and intellectual judgments about theatre


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define, describe, and explain the basic elements of theatre

2. Analyze and explain the functions of theatre as an art and expression of culture

3. Describe and explain the responsibilities, processes, and techniques of various theatre artists

4. Analyze plays in written and oral formats in terms of style, structure, language, characters, themes, and their reflection of historical and cultural contexts

5. Describe major theatrical periods and styles and explain how they reflect their historical and cultural contexts

6. Implement and practice the processes and techniques of the major theatre arts through creative projects

7. Evaluate artistic products of one’s own and others in oral and written formats

8. Produce oral, written, and creative presentations which reflect an appreciation of theatre as an art and cultural force