MDIA 2260 Interviewing

This course introduces students to interviewing concepts through the process of interpersonal communication. How to structure the interview and develop questions for both informational and persuasive interviews will be emphasized. Students study and apply interview techniques, including styles, accurate note-taking, the process of re-telling people's stories, and active listening. Students will analyze live and taped interviews and impart information through interviewing in both private and public situations. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Introduction to Interviewing Concepts
  • The Process of Interpersonal Communication
  • Questions and their Functions
  • How to Structure an Interview
  • Informational Interviewing
  • Persuasive Interviewing


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe essential elements of interviewing.

2. Explain the process of interviewing.

3. Explain the importance of questions during the interview and the importance of constructing questions correctly.

4. Compare and contrast traditional vs. nontraditional forms of interviewing.

5. Explain the concepts of interpersonal communication during interviews

6. Critique feedback for comprehension, empathy, evaluation and resolution.

7. Analyze Informational and persuasive interviewing.

Other Information

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See instructor for required course textbook.