FDSC 1410 Scientific Study of Food

This introductory food science course deals with current questions and concerns about foods. The student will consider food composition, effects of food processing, food labeling, diet, degenerative diseases, and general health. The student will become familiar with foods and food industry. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Everyday Eating
  • Food Labels
  • Nutrition
  • Food Production
  • Food Processing
  • Food Relation to Health


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine the science of food.

2. Analyze food labels and food contributions to nutrition.

3. Discuss current issues related to food and agriculture.

4. Apply the basic concepts of food production and processing.

5. Evaluate scientific and popular information on food and health.