EDEX 2484 Intro to Special Education

This course is designed to meet the needs of education majors. It provides a broad overview of effective intervention models of instructional and/or behavior techniques for special needs students within an inclusion setting and/or other continuum of special education options which meet the least restrictive environment. This course would also be helpful for individuals in other fields who need an introduction to the field of exceptional children. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1020 or EDFD 2020. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Special education
  • Gifted and talented
  • Individual Education Program (IEP)
  • Learning and language needs of diverse learners
  • Adapting curriculum to improve access for all
  • Social interaction for students with disabilities


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define and describe exceptional children and children at risk generically and categorically within our culturally diverse society.

2. Apply curriculum adaptions and modifications for students with specific learning needs as well as those with cultural and linguistic diversity.

3. Identify basic components of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) and the responsibility of the general educator to collaborate with special education throughout the inclusion process.

4. Describe the major standardized assessment instruments which are commonly used to evaluate students with disabilities.

5. Describe the concepts of mainstreaming, inclusion, and/or least restrictive environment and the role of the regular educator implied and required by these concepts.

6. Identify characteristics that culturally and linguistically diverse learners may bring to the regular classroom and techniques educators may use.

7. Participate in disability awareness activities and class law studies affecting persons with disabilities

8. Identify key legislative events of both federal and state special education laws and legal guidelines which are needed to provide educational services to students with disabilities.

9. Identify parent advocacy centers.

10. Describe educational technologies and types of software beneficial for the education of exceptional children.