CRMJ 2420 Juvenile Justice

This course presents the history, philosophy and function of the juvenile court system, juvenile court procedures and laws, as well as theories of delinquency causation, and intervention strategies for juveniles. It includes an evaluation and analysis of law, institutions, policies, and practices of the juvenile justice system in the United States since its inception. In addition, a blend of theoretical questions, practical applications and possible solutions will be provided and discussed. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • The functions of the Juvenile Justice System
  • Causes and Prevention of Delinquency
  • Responses to delinquency by law enforcement, schools, family and the community


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of and explain the basics of the formal juvenile justice system including theoretical to everyday practices and procedures

2. Distinguish and describe the major goals of the juvenile justice system

3. Appraise the work processes of the individuals involved in the juvenile justice system, including law enforcement, the legal system, schools, juvenile service providers, the medical community and families

4. Examine the responsibilities professionally, legally and ethically of those involved in the system

5. Demonstrate an awareness of the various components of the juvenile justice system and how those functions interact as they relate to the delinquency, misconduct and neglect of children

6. Analyze, explain and distinguish the competing values of incarceration and rehabilitation as they relate to the treatment of juveniles in the system and the diversity of methodology and intentions among agencies dealing with the needs of children

7. Communicate an awareness of the public, social, cultural and legal environments in which juveniles are involved

8. Appraise and critique the role of the family, and major social institutions such as religion and education in the lives of juveniles

Other Information

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See instructor for required course textbook.