CRMJ 2280 Criminal Procedure

This course is a survey of constitutional law and its relationship to the criminal justice system. Students will analyze the laws of arrest, search and seizure, confessions and signed statements; they will also study and evaluate evidence and proof. Particular attention is given to application of Wyoming requirements. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Major legal, procedural and constitutional laws, rules and procedures the govern the operation of law enforcement professionals
  • State and constitutional standards that affect the professional’s performance of his/her duties
  • Importance and applicability of the amendments to the US Constitution and in particular the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments
  • Laws dealing with arrest, search and seizure, interrogations, interviews, confessions and related topics
  • Mechanisms both procedural and legal created by legislatures and courts to insure proper constitutional behaviors


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify and distinguish between statutory, constitutional and procedural law

2. Describe the concept of precedent and stare decisis

3. Describe and demonstrate the application of the rules and law and evidence in law enforcement behavior

4. Recognize and evaluate the difference between lawful and unlawful law enforcement behavior

5. Analyze the consequences of appropriate and inappropriate law enforcement conduct

6. Assess different situations to determine what degree of law enforcement behavior is appropriate and lawful;

7. Define, analyze and apply appropriate legal and constitutional principles to fact patterns and class scenarios involving relevant law enforcement issues

8. Demonstrate and understanding of how criminal justice agencies gather, analyze and interpret data in their particular areas

9. Examine contemporary and future issues as they may affect the operation of the criminal justice system and its functioning in society.

Other Information

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See instructor for required course textbook.