CRMJ 1170 Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice

This course is an examination of the ethical and value based discretionary decisions that police officers deal with on a regular basis. Police deviance will be addressed as to casual analysis and prescriptions for controlling such areas as police corruption, brutality and abuse to citizens. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Ethical dilemmas of policing, especially deviance and corruption issues
  • Causes, stresses and environments that can lead to occupational deviance
  • Methods of monitoring and controlling such occupational deviance


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify the working environment of policing and situations in which ethical issues present themselves.

2. Analyze the ethics of law enforcement

3. Discover and practice through discussion, examination and role play, skills for recognizing and resolving ethical dilemmas

4. Explain and analyze ethical standards

5. Distinguish between ethics and morals