CNSL 2330 Counseling Diverse Populations

This course is designed to increase students' awareness of unique needs of diverse populations in the helping professions. The groups, including men, women, elderly, disabled, homeless, gay and lesbian, and cultural minorities will be examined. Special focus will be placed on dependence treatment and recovery. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Cultural Competency
  • Culture, Race, Ethnicity
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Racism, Prejudice, Privilege
  • Bias in Service Delivery
  • Adapting techniques for Diverse Cultures
  • Racial Identity Formation
  • Racial Attitudes
  • Poverty as a Culture


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate understanding of the following concepts; Stereotyping, Race, Ethnicity, Culture.

2. Develop increased awareness of self and verbal interactions.

3. Develop increased awareness of self and non verbal interactions.

4. Identify various levels of "permission" in having and expressing emotions.

5. Demonstrate understanding of the variety of ways people define "self".

6. Identify diversity shown in relationships through rules, roles, and scripts.

7. Demonstrate understanding of the diversity of meanings communicated by use of time and space.

8. Identify commonly agreed upon ethnic identities of U.S. subcultures.

9. Relate understanding of diversity to the human service profession.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

See instructor for required course textbook.