ART 2405 Advanced Projects - 2D

This is an advanced two-dimensional media course in which the student focus on developing of advanced concepts and techniques while providing input and criticism to their fellow students.  This course may be taken for a maximum of twelve credits applicable toward graduation. Prerequisite: Instructor's permission. (2 lect., 4 lab) (Max 6)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Elements and Principles of Design
  • 2D media that includes drawing, painting, printmaking
  • Documentation of portfolio


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Create their own project plan/agreement for the semester with instructor approval.

2. Create a portfolio of 2D artwork focusing on advanced techniques, processes and concepts.

3. Articulate the advanced techniques, processes and concepts he/she has used to create the portfolio.

4. Critique the 2D artwork of the student and fellow students.