CSEC 1500 Computer Network Security +

This is a technical course for students with prior computer experience. The course focuses on controlling security, access, and the network infrastructure. Topics taught in this course include access control, cryptography, network infrastructure, attacks, and security. Students will examine system security, application of security, organizational security and assessments and audits. Students should strongly consider taking CMAP 1650 (Introduction to Networking) prior to taking this course or have some prior experience working with computer networks. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Access Control
  • Cryptography
  • Network Infrastructure
  • Network Attacks
  • Network Security
  • System Security
  • Application Security
  • Organizational Security
  • Assessments and Audits


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Explain the security function and purpose of network devices and technologies

2. Apply and implement secure network administration principles

3. Distinguish and differentiate network design elements and compounds

4. Implement and use common protocols

5. Identify commonly used default network ports

6. Implement wireless networks in a secure manner

7. Explain risk related concepts

8. Carry out appropriate risk mitigation strategies

9. Execute appropriate incident response procedures

10. Explain the importance of security related awareness and training

11. Compare and contrast aspects of business continuity

12. Explain the impact and proper use of environmental controls

13. Execute disaster recovery plans and procedures

14. Exemplify the concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA)

15. Analyze and differentiate among types of malware

16. Analyze and differentiate among types of attacks

17. Analyze and differentiate among types of social engineering attacks

18. Analyze and differentiate among types of wireless attacks

19. Analyze and differentiate among types of application attacks

20. Analyze and differentiate among types of mitigation and deterrent techniques

21. Implement assessment tools and techniques to discover security threats and vulnerabilities

22. Within the realm of vulnerability assessments, explain the proper use of penetration testing versus vulnerability scanning

23. Explain the importance of application security

24. Carry out appropriate procedures to establish host security

25. Explain the importance of data security

26. Explain the function and purpose of authentication services

27. Explain the fundamental concepts and best practices related to authentication, authorization and access control

28. Implement appropriate security controls when performing account management

29. Summarize general cryptography concepts

30. Use and apply appropriate cryptographic tools and products

31. Explain the core concepts of public key infrastructure

32. Implement PKI, certificate management and associated components