Voluntary Leave of Absence
Students may need time away from school due to, but no limited to, the following situations:
- Personal illness/health-related conditions
- Family illness/health-related conditions
- Crisis of personal or family nature
- Research or clinical fellowship programs
- Additional degree programs
- Military duty
A student in good academic standing may request a Leave of Absence (LOA) by submitting a written request to the Office of Student Affairs and the Chair of the Medical Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee (MSEPC) explaining the situation, the amount of leave time requested, the proposed start date and date of return, a plan to communicate with the Office of Student Affairs during the absence, and the intent to return to the SOM to complete the M.D. degree.
The Associate Dean for Student Affairs may approve a leave of absence of less than eight weeks. Any leave of absence greater than eight (8) weeks must be reviewed and approved by the Medical School Evaluation and Promotion Committee (MSEPC).
Medical LOA requires a supporting letter from the student’s personal physician. A second opinion from a physician selected by UTRGV SOM may also be required. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will review the request and make a recommendation to the MSEPC. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will work with the student if there are any concerns related to the request for a personal medical LOA. The MSEPC will review the request and will contact the student with their decision. A ‘release to return to work/school’ letter from the student’s physician is required two (2) weeks prior to return. Depending on the individual case and after review by the MSEPC, a medical LOA may be renewed.
For Parental Leave, please refer to the Parental Leave and Accommodations policy.
An educational/research/service LOA may be granted to allow students opportunities to enhance their medical school experience by participating in educational, research, or service activities at other institutions or other colleges within UTRGV. The student requesting such a leave must submit a letter of request for leave to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, who is responsible for monitoring the student’s time spent in the educational / research / service activities; and the Chair of the MSEPC. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will work with the student if there are any concerns related to the request for an educational/research/service LOA. The MSEPC will review the request and will contact the student with their decision.
An extraordinary circumstances LOA or LOA for personal reasons may be granted in the event that a student requires a leave for reasons other than medical or educational/research/service. The student requesting such leave must submit a written request to the Office of Student Affairs and the Chair of the MSEPC explaining the situation, the amount of leave time requested, the proposed start date and date of return, a plan to communicate with the Office of Student Affairs during the absence, and the intent to return to the SOM to complete the M.D. degree. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will work with the student if there are any concerns related to the request for an extraordinary circumstances LOA. The MSEPC will review the request will contact the student with their decision.