ENTR 4351 Entrepreneurship in the Border Corridor
The South Texas Northeastern Mexico border corridor, extending from Austin/San Antonio in the north, running through McAllen/Reynosa, the two Laredo's, and continuing to Monterrey/Saltillo, is one of the most dynamic regions in the Americas. This course is designed to provide specialized knowledge and skills useful for those pursuing careers in entrepreneurship and international business in the border corridor. The class incorporates site visits and the specialized knowledge of entrepreneurial leaders in the region.
ENTR 3356 or
MGMT 4356. All students pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, or Bachelor of Science in Materials Management and Logistics from VCoBE, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced Business Core and Major coursework for their degree.
As scheduled