
Immunization is required for admission to certain programs of study at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley unless the student submits to the admitting official at least one (1) of the following:

  • An affidavit or a certificate signed by the student’s physician (M.D. or D.O.) who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States and who has examined the student.
  • An affidavit signed by the student or, if a minor, the student’s parent or guardian stating that the student declines immunization for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.
  • Proof that he or she is currently up to date with required immunizations.
  • Serological proof of immunity to specific diseases

The Texas Board of Health immunization requirements apply to all students enrolled in health-related courses that will involve direct patient contact in medical or dental care facilities and to veterinary medical students whose course work involves direct contact with animals or animal remains as required by the Texas Board of Health, Education Code 51.933; 25 TAC 97.64. The following immunizations are required for these students:

  • Tetanus/diphtheria: One dose of vaccine within the past 10 years.
  • Hepatitis B: At least two doses of the three-dose series. The third dose must be received before the student completes the first professional semester. Students may also show serologic confirmation of immunity to the hepatitis B virus via appropriate documentation.
  • Varicella: One dose, for students who received this vaccine prior to 13 years of age, or two doses, for students who were not vaccinated before their 13th birthday. A history of varicella illness (chicken pox), validated by serologic confirmation of immunity, is acceptable in lieu of vaccination.

Texas Administrative Code Section 21.610 et seq.: Information to students consistent with regulations newly enacted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board pertaining to immunization requirements for students who reside or who have been approved to reside in campus housing.