Dropping a Course

A student is “dropping” a class or classes if he or she remains enrolled in a minimum of one credit hour after all class drops have been completed. Students who drop all classes for which they are enrolled are considered to have withdrawn from the university for that semester. (For more information on Withdrawal, see the section below on Withdrawal from the University.)

To drop a class or classes after the official census date (12th class day in a fall or spring semester; each term’s census date is published in the university’s academic calendar), a student must log in to ASSIST and request the drop by the deadline as listed in the university’s academic calendar.

All class drops must be completed during the first 75% of the semester or term (refer to the University Academic Calendar in this catalog or the Student Services Center website for deadline dates). Students dropping during this time will receive a grade of DR. After the deadline for drops and withdrawals, the student remains on the class roster and will receive the letter grade he/she earns.