Auditing Classes

Students must obtain special permission from the instructor of record to audit or visit a class. Students who wish to audit graduate classes (5000-9000 level) must be eligible to enroll in the course for credit before they will be allowed to audit. Students auditing classes do not receive academic credit. One may enroll as an auditor no later than the Census Day of the term by:

  1. Obtaining a “Class Audit” Form from the Student Services Center,
  2. Having it approved by the instructor of the class to be audited,
  3. Paying the required fee at the Office of Payments and Collections on or by the Census Day, and
  4. Using the receipt as an admission card to the class.

Such approval may be granted only if space is available and if the instructor permits the student to audit the class. Instructors reserve the right to refuse any request to audit or visit a course. Enrollment as an auditor does not permit the enrollee to take examinations, to have tests or other papers checked by the instructor, or to participate in the class discussion. Audit fees ($50 per course) are nonrefundable and may not be appealed. Individuals who are not regularly enrolled students at the university are also eligible to audit classes subject to the regulations stated above, although there will be no transcripted record of the individual having taken the class.

A person 65 years of age or older may enroll as an auditor without credit and without payment of an audit fee.