Name Change

A student or former student may change the full, legal name on his/her permanent academic record by completing a Change of Name Form and submitting the appropriate documentation as follows to the UCentral:

  1. Misspelling: Student must present a copy of the birth certificate.
  2. New Legal Name: Student must present a copy of the signed court order showing the authorized new legal name.
  3. Marriage: If a student wishes to assume his or her spouse’s name, the student must present a copy of the marriage certificate along with either an updated government-issued photo ID.
  4. Divorce: Students who wish to discontinue the use of a married name and resume the use of their former name, or another name, must present a divorce decree or signed court order showing court restoration of the former, or other, name. A copy of the first page of the decree is required along with a copy of the page formalizing the name change (if not included on the first) and the page including presiding officials’ signatures.