Other payment options

Short-Term Loans

Made possible through donations from a number of individuals and organizations, these funds are administered by the Financial Aid Office and are available to students for short-term loans. Loans are limited in funding and must be repaid within the semester for which they are borrowed. The loans are designed to aid students who do not have sufficient funds to purchase books and supplies or to assist students when emergencies arise. A $5 processing fee is assessed to each loan and funding is limited. Students interested in applying for short-term loans are advised to apply in person at the Financial Aid Office at the beginning of each semester.

Emergency Tuition and Fee Loans

Emergency loans are available to UTRGV students needing assistance in paying registration costs. Emergency loans must be paid back to the University during the same semester in which they are borrowed. An applicant will be assessed a 1% processing fee per semester. Students may borrow up to the amount of tuition and applicable fees. For more information, please contact the Emergency Loan Office