MANE 6343 Queueing Models for Manufacturing Systems

This is a course on the application of stochastic models and Queueing theory in design and control of manufacturing systems. We will start from review of elementary probability theory; we will then cover conditional expectation; the Poisson process; renewal theory; Markov chains; and queueing theory. Emphasis will be given to Queueing models and their application in manufacturing systems, transportation and stocking systems, and other types of service delivery systems. Student will be able to apply Queueing models in the design of these systems, and other types of service delivery systems. Student will be able to apply Queueing models in the design of these systems in terms of layout, capacities and control.




MANE 2332.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Manufact & Indust Engr


As scheduled