Graduate Catalog


This course is designed to provide students with sufficient understanding of a range of electrophysiological concepts, including current flow and intracellular, patch clamp and extracellular recording, which are required for electrophysiological laboratory rotations. In addition, lecture topics will focus on quantitative topics that students must be familiar with for more advanced courses, such as 'Cellular Basis of Synaptic Physiology' and 'Fundamentals of Membrane Transport.' Topics include electrochemical equilibrium, electrochemical potential energy and transport processes, electricity primer, operational amplifiers, equivalent circuits of membranes, voltage-gated channels and action potentials, and extracellular recording and stimulation. This course, in combination with the Core Course and GPLS 691 (Topics in Contemporary Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience), provide neuroscience-oriented students with a strong background in both molecular and cellular neuroscience and electrophysiological concepts, which is necessary for advanced courses in neuroscience. This course is required for students in the Program in Neuroscience and is recommended for GPILS students interested in cellular and molecular neuroscience.
