Bachelor of Science in Biology

Program Type: Certificate, Associates, Bachelors or Masters


Estimated Time to Complete

Four Years

Format: On Campus, Off Campus or Hybrid

On Campus, Off Campus, and Hybrid

Program Description

The B.S. in Biological Sciences will enhance the STEM program in biology, chemistry, and physics, emphasize ancestral Ojibwe knowledge, culture, and critical thinking skills, extend student-based research from one or two years to four years. The program will increase critical thinking skills, learning skills, and research skills.  


1: Apply the scientific method and critical thinking, especially as it applies to tribal nations.

2: Quantitative reasoning in the analysis of dynamic systems, especially as it applies to tribal nations.

3: Students will practice ethics, especially as it applies to tribal nations.

4: Students will apply core concepts of Biology, as it relates to tribal nations.

Mission: Vision if program has one

The students who complete the B.S. in Biological Sciences will have the opportunity to enter into graduate programs in a related field of study.  The students will have acquired knowledge and skills that enhance their employment with federal, state, and private agencies.  An increase in critical thinking skills, learning skills, and research skills will increase the student’s success in all areas throughout his/her life.

The program will open the door to initiating a B.S. in chemistry and be one more step in TMCC’s path of going from a predominately community college to a four-year higher learning institute.

Credit Hours

General Education- 41 Credits

General Education Science Courses- 24 Credits

Upper Division Science Credits (300-400)- 36

Electives (Includes 12 credits for Emphasis Area)- 20

Total Credit Hours: 121

Application Deadlines

Review the TMCC Academic Calendar for registration deadlines for each semester. 

Plan of Study Grid

Year Three (Fall)

BIOL BIOL 258Wildlife and Culture/Lab


CHEM 240Survey of Organic Chemistry/Lab


BIOL 312Evolution/Lab


Total Credit Hours:12

Year Three (Spring)

BIOL BIOL 259Modern Science and Historical Ojibwe Culture/Lab


Total Credit Hours:4

Year Four (Fall)

Year Four (Spring)

BIOL 480Senior Capstone Seminar


Total Credit Hours:4

Total Credit Hours: 121