EDME 505 Educational Leadership

Using a functional, rather than positional, approach to leadership, this course invites students to consider how teachers can and do take on leadership functions. Through case studies and descriptions of trends in school leadership, students will explore how teachers influence policy and practice in their schools. Students will develop ethical frameworks to guide their decision-making in the classroom and in the larger school and district contexts. The course examines the characteristics of ethical leaders and the influence of core values on teaching. Drawing from TESOL and Special Education the course will survey the ethical, legal and policy issues and trends in TESOL and Special Education which merit students' awareness and understanding, as well as a springboard from which they can explore specific topics in greater depth. Attention is given to the issues involved in being an effective teacher/leader and colleague in a work environment that is often challenging and unpredictable. Students are invited to reflect on these issues in light of Christian faith and beliefs.




Grad: Education