Withdrawal from The College

When students decide to withdraw from The College, they must contact their Academic Advisor or the Office of Student Records at registrar@mercycollege.edu.  If withdrawing from the college prior to the end of a semester, students must also submit a ‘Withdraw/Leave Request’ within their EMPOWER ME account for all enrolled courses.  (Refer to the Withdrawal from a Course section of the catalog.)  After students contact their advisor or Student Records, they will receive the ‘Mercy College of Ohio Temporary Leave/Full Withdrawal form’ to finalize their withdrawal request. Once students have finalized their college withdrawal they will need to be readmitted to The College if they wish to enroll in future courses.

When withdrawing from The College, students should contact the Office the Bursar to discuss and/or review their current bill status. If a college withdrawal results in a tuition balance due, students can discuss options of payment (such as pay in full or set up a payment plan). Students can reach the Bursar at bursar@mercycollege.edu or 419-251-1726. For more information about paying a bill, students can visit https://mercycollege.edu/admissions/tuition-fees/pay-your-bill.

If students have received federal financial aid while attending Mercy College, they should read the Return to Title IV policy (R2T4) located at https://mercycollege.edu/admissions/financial-aid under the Financial Aid Documents tab. Students must also complete the student loan exit counseling located at https://mercycollege.edu/admissions/financial-aid/exit-loan-counseling. The Office of Financial Aid will notify students when a withdrawal results in a federal aid return. Students may submit any questions to financialaid@mercycollege.edu or call 419-251-1219 for assistance in understanding how this withdrawal may impact their financial aid.