Grading Scale

Mercy College of Ohio will use the following grading scale to calculate grade point average (GPA):

A 4.0 points
B 3.0 points
C 2.0 points
D 1.0 points
F 0 points
I Incomplete (no effect on GPA)
K Credit by examination (no effect on GPA)
P Pass (no effect on GPA; equal to “C” or better)
U Unsatisfactory (No effect on GPA; no credit granted)
T Transfer (no effect on GPA)
W Withdrawal prior to mid-term (no effect on GPA)
WF Withdrawal failing at or following mid-term
WA Withdrawal from an audited class (no effect on GPA)
WP Withdrawal passing at or following mid-term (no effect on GPA).  No longer used after Summer 2018.