2022-23 Course Catalog

OTA2020 Physical Disability & Performance

This course involves the study of physical health limitations and obstacles to occupational engagement for individuals and populations. Topics include common diagnoses and treatment environments, interventions and treatments under areas of occupation (BADL, IADL, education, work, leisure and social participation). Students will be required to develop applications for enabling function and physical well-being. Topics include major medical, orthopedic, and neurological diagnoses, with emphasis on symptoms, physical conditions, and medical and social supports related to those diagnoses. Evaluations and treatment planning for the physical health population are practiced. Course will focus on the development of observation skills; assessment; documentation; teaching; adapting; grading self-care, work, and play/leisure occupations for individuals with physical challenges. Additional topics include techniques and equipment to maximize participation in meaningful occupations, improve independence, ensure safety, and prevent deformity. 3 Cr Hrs (2 lecture/1 lab). Course Requirement(s): OTA2040.



