2022-23 Course Catalog

OTA1010 Conceptual Foundations of OTA

This course discusses knowledge on the nature, the history and the philosophy of occupational therapy in the United States. Students will also learn about meaningful occupation, purposeful activity, and domains of practice. Concepts like practice models and theoretical frameworks will be discussed. We will also discuss the basic tenets of occupational therapy and how they are applied, along with what roles meaningful occupation and purposeful activity have as related to health and human well-being. We also discuss and learn the ethics of practice, reimbursement procedures, best practices, promoting occupational therapy, the collaborative relationship between the occupational therapist and the occupational therapy assistant through the occupational therapy process, licensure, credentialing, and laws and policies regulating the practice of occupational therapy. The Occupational Therapy Framework: Domain and Process will be studied. 3 Cr Hrs (lecture). Course Requirement(s): None.



