2020-21 Course Catalog

Student Complaints

Should a student be dissatisfied with the actions or inactions of an employee, MTC encourages students to resolve complaints informally by working with the individual(s) involved or their immediate supervisor(s).

If a situation cannot be resolved informally, the student may file a complaint on the MTC website, which will be received in accordance with college policy AP 440 – Student Grievances/Complaints.

Student Complaint Records

To comply with federal regulations and institutional accreditation regulations, the President’s Office keeps a record of all formal, written student complaints received by the college. Formal, written complaints that are signed by a student and addressed to and received by the president, vice presidents, academic department deans or directors, or administrative department directors will be recorded.

For purposes of responding to complaints, a student is defined as (1) an individual who is currently enrolled, (2) an inactive student who has attended within the past academic year that can return without reapplying for admission, and (3) a graduate of less than two years.

A student who files a written complaint or grievance should be aware that information pertaining to the complaint must be shared with institutional accrediting agencies. Appropriate measures will be taken to preserve student privacy and ensure anonymity for complainants.

College representatives who receive a complaint as defined above are required to submit information to the President’s Office for the official Record of Student Complaints. The records and disposition of any formal complaint or grievance shall be maintained separate from academic records in the President’s Office for a minimum of ten (10) years.