2020-21 Course Catalog


What Students Are Expected to Learn and How It Will Be Assessed

Student learning is the cornerstone of Marion Technical College’s mission. To determine how well students learn, faculty use a systematic process to assess student academic achievement. This assessment takes place throughout a student’s academic career. Assessment results help guide faculty as they continuously improve teaching, learning, courses, programs, and future assessment. Results also help students and others learn about the effectiveness of teaching and learning at MTC.

Assessment begins with a clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. With the advisement of employers, professional associations, and others, faculty have defined two types of core learning goals for MTC students: 1) Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) which usually apply only to students enrolled in a specific area of study; and, 2) College Graduate Competencies (CGCs) which are common to all areas of study and apply to all students. Together, SLOs and CGCs form the complete set of core competencies that all graduates are expected to learn.

The individual sub-skills defined in each CGC and SLO are taught, reinforced, and/or periodically measured in various courses throughout the curriculum. Each course in which a College Graduate Competency is assessed is indicated in the course syllabus. The six CGC areas and statements of competence are:


Communicate effectively both written and orally.


Exhibit respect and sensitivity for individuals and institutional differences.


Demonstrate good work habits, effective interpersonal and teamwork skills, and a high level of professionalism


Students will have knowledge applying mathematical and computational skills to interpret numerical data and solve applied problems (program determines the level of competence).

Problem Solving/Critical Thinking

Students will have the skills to recognize and solve problems through analysis, creativity, and synthesis to make informed decisions.

Information Technology

Students will have the skills to use a computer to perform personal and professional tasks. Students will have the skills to locate and use information resources and have the ability to apply methods of inquiry.

Information about each CGC is available in the Student Handbook and at the college website, www.mtc.edu. Through its public disclosure of all learning outcomes, and an ongoing assessment of the extent to which students learn them, Marion Technical College affirms that all graduates will be characterized for their ability to competently practice what they have learned.