Two-Dimensional Art Certificate II

Program Description

The Two-Dimensional Art Certificate II is for the art student who wants to focus only on two-dimensional art courses. Examples include painting, drawing, and photography. The credential does not require any general education requirements.

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 2145Digital Photography I

3 credits

Program Electives

Student must choose fifteen (15) credits from the following courses:

Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 1005Drawing I

3 credits

ART 1110Foundation - Two Dimensional

3 credits

ART 1130Foundations: Color Theory

3 credits

ART 1150B&W Film Photography I

3 credits

ART 1160B&W Film Photography II

3 credits

ART 1177Digital Imaging

3 credits

ART 2010Art History I

3 credits

ART 2020Art History II

3 credits

ART 2140Photography III

3 credits

ART 2141Professional Practice in the Arts

1 credits

ART 2146Digital Photography II

3 credits

ART 2150Color Photography I

3 credits

ART 2177Digital Imaging II

3 credits

ART 2210Painting I

3 credits

ART 2220Painting II

3 credits

ART 2230Painting III

3 credits

ART 2405Advanced Projects - 2D

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 18