Student Conduct

One of Central Wyoming College’s core values is mutual respect and civil discourse. All members of our campus community have an important role in creating a learning environment by being respectful and civil.

A student may be placed on disciplinary probation, suspended, or dismissed from the college for conduct contrary to law, the rights of others, or the best interests of the campus community. Maximum penalty may be imposed for crimes committed in which the student intentionally selects the person against whom the crime is committed because of race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry of that person. Possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, the unlawful or unauthorized use, possession, or storage of firearms or other lethal or dangerous weapons on campus or at any college-sponsored activity constitutes grounds for suspension. Disciplinary action is handled by the Dean of Students. A student under suspension may petition for readmission. The President retains the right to evaluate special cases involving probation, dismissal, or suspension.

A student’s professional, ethical, and behavioral conduct shall be assessed by the college throughout his/her program and is subject to the Student Disciplinary Code, available each year in the Student Handbook.