GIST 2180 Geospatial Web Applications

This course involves the design, creation, configuration, and optimization of geospatial servers and applications to deliver content across the Internet. The student will be introduced to the design of geospatial servers and maintenance of basic geospatial Web services and applications. The course includes an introduction to browser and mobile-enabled interactive applications. Prerequisites: Completion of GIST 1200. (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Major Topics

  • Introduction to Web-based geospatial technologies
  • Publishing data resources to the Web
  • GIS Web applications
  • Hosted feature layers
  • Basics of Web AppBuilder
  • Web application development


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Build basic Web-based geospatial applications.

2. Perform customization of Web-based geospatial applications.

3. Create and/or modify a basic interactive Web-based geospatial user interface.

4. Publish geospatial resources as a Web service.