GIST 2000 Professional GIST:

This course offers classroom, lab, or field opportunities that explore various professional applications of geospatial information science and technologies (GIST). Specific topics will vary. (1 - 6 lect.) (Max 9)


1 - 6 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Geospatial information science and technologies

  • Spatial and non-spatial data

  • Data interpretation using a geographic information system (GIS)

  • Techniques for presenting and sharing data using geospatial technologies


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate skills in the use of geospatial information science and technologies.

2. Integrate spatial and non-spatial data into a geographic information system (GIS).

3. Interpret data using a geographic information system (GIS).

4. Share results using web based applications including (but not exclusive to), ESRI ArcGIS and StoryMaps.