MATH 2210 Calculus III
Calculus, one of the classical topics in mathematics, is the study of change. It is useful both in scientific fields and in applied studies from engineering to the life sciences. The primary goals of this course are to master the fundamental concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus in more than one variable, and to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 2205. (5 lect.)
Major Topics
- Vectors and Vector Valued Functions
- Functions of several variables
- Multiple integration
- Vector Calculus
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the behavior of vectors, vector-valued functions and functions of several variables.
2. Use derivatives of multidimensional functions in a variety of applications, such as optimization and curvature.
3. Apply the various techniques of multi-variable integration, including changing coordinates, to a variety of applications.
4. Use the various relationships between differentiation and integration, including Green?s, Stokes?, and the Divergence Theorems to solve a variety of problems.
5. Demonstrate the ability to read and write mathematics.
Other Information
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Mathematical computer software is utilized as part of the course so students can visualize relevant topics and familiarize themselves with a programming language.