FDSC 1510 Livestock Harvest
The student will practice proper techniques of livestock harvest utilizing Instructor approved facilities, equipment and tools. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in FDSC-1410. (1 lect., 4 lab)
Major Topics
- Food Safety (HACCP) regulations
- Harvest equlpment and tool use
- Major Steps in the harvesting process
- Beef Anatomy and Harvest
- Swine Anatomy and Harvest
- Sheep/Goat Anatomy and Harvest
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate proper procedures for livestock (beef, swine,sheep/goats) harvest.
2. Implement selected tasks throughout the harvest process to increase proficiency. Interpret animal anatomy as it pertains to livestock harvest.
3. Interpret animal anatomy as it pertains to livestock harvest.
4. Identify major steps in the harvest process.
5. Apply food safety (HACCP) regulations throughout the harvest process.