FDSC 1500 Meat Animal Fabrication
The student will utilize proper techniques of livestock, poultry and wild game carcass fabrication (beef, swine, sheep/goat, poultry and wild games). The student will be directly involved in carcass fabrication in the CWC Meat Laboratory or other approved meat laboratory. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in FDSC-1410. (1 lect., 16 lab)
Major Topics
- Food Safety (HACCP) regulations
- Fabrication equipment
- Knife and tool use
- Primal fabrication
- Beef fabrication
- Swine fabrication
- Sheep/goat fabrication
- Poultry fabrication
- Wild game fabrication
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Fabricate primal, subprimal cuts of meats into retail fabricated cuts.
2. Identify beef, sheep/goat, and swine carcass muscular and skeletal anatomy.
3. Classify the composition of various grades and cuts of meats including aged meats and the specifications in quality and costs.
4. Fabricate meat cuts as listed in The Natjpnal Meat Buyers Guide.
5. Fabricate various types of poultry and wild game meats.
6. Discuss portion control and food cost considerations when fabricating meats, poultry, and wild game.
7. Apply food safety regulations in accordance with the CWC HACCP