ENTK 1580 Principles of Technology I

Principles of Technology I is designed to be a first semester course introducing students to the concepts of force, work, rate, resistance, energy, power, momentum, force transformers, waves and vibration, energy converters, transducers, and light optical systems as they relate to mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal systems. All concepts are reinforced through technology-related laboratory experiments. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 1500. (3 lect., 2 lab)


4 credits

Major Topics

  • Force in mechanical systems
  • Pressure in fluid systems
  • Voltage in electrical systems
  • Temperature in thermal systems
  • Work in mechanical, fluid and electrical systems
  • Rate in mechanical, fluid, electrical and thermal systems
  • Resistance in mechanical, fluid, electrical and thermal systems
  • Energy in mechanical, fluid, electrical and thermal systems
  • Power in mechanical, fluid and electrical systems
  • Linear and angular momentum
  • Properties of waves
  • Wave interactions
  • Ray optics: reflection and refraction
  • Wave optics: Interference and diffraction
  • Laser light


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define, explain, and demonstrate:

1a. Force as a prime mover

1b. Various concepts of work

1c. Different concepts concerning rate

1d. Resistance

1e. Energy

1f. Power

1g. Momentum

1h. Waves & Vibration

1i. Energy Converters

1j. Transduction

1k. Light and Optical Systems

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