CHEM 2300 Intro to Organic Chemistry

A one-semester course in organic chemistry and beginning biological chemistry, designed for nursing, home economics, education, general studies, and agriculture students. Practical application will be emphasized. Offered only with sufficient enrollment. Students earning credit in CHEM 2300 may not earn credit in CHEM 2420. Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 1000 or CHEM 1020. (4 lect.)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Bonding and Isomerism
  • Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
  • Aromatic Compounds
  • Stereoisomerisms
  • Organic Hologen Compounds
  • Quantitative organic laboratory techniques


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Expand critical reasoning skills using a problem-solving strategy.

2. Synthesize new information in a clear and concise manner through laboratory and writing exercises.

3. Analyze data and use it appropriately.

4. Follow directions and function in a laboratory setting.

5. Strengthen multi-media and computer skills.

6. Understand chemical processes and the chemical nature of things relevant to their lives.

7. Develop knowledge and skills for career preparation in health, science, engineering or education.

8. Acquire the wisdom to make decisions regarding chemicals in the environment and understand the cultural and political nature of such decisions.