BADM 2340 Bus Law III:Bus Org & Gov Reg
This course is a study of the basic principles of agency, partnership, limited partnership, joint-venture, corporation and security regulation. Generally offered in Spring only. Prerequisite: Completion of BADM 2010 or permission of instructor. (3 lect.)
Major Topics
- Agency and Employment
- Business Organizations
- Consumer Law
- Antitrust Law
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Define legal terms related to the major topics of this course.
2. Identify and explain concepts related to agency and employment law.
3. Identify and explain different business organization structures and the legal aspects of each type.
4. Identify and explain concepts related to Consumer and Antitrust law.
5. Describe legal issues related to case studies and select the legal concept that applies to the given situation.
Other Information
Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:
BADM 2340 is an articulated course with UW College of Business. The required text listed below must be used. Required text is West's Business Law - current edition