ANSC 1070 Livestock Fitting and Showing

The student will obtain hands on experience working with livestock while obtaining knowledge of the facilities and showing techniques. The student will gain an increased understanding of animal behavior while developing or enhancing their knowledge of fitting and showing techniques for a lamb, pig, beef heifer/steer, or horse. Those enrolled will be expected to train, groom and fit their selected animal and exhibit this animal. All animals and required equipment will be furnished, although the student may use personal equipment if preferred. (2 lect.)


2 credits

Major Topics

  • Evaluation of livestock species
  • Clipping and showing of cattle
  • Clipping and showing of sheep
  • Clipping and showing of goats
  • Clipping and showing of swine
  • Clipping and showing of horses


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication

2. Execute clipping and fitting of beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and horses using modern methods with proper equipment and preparing for the show ring

3. Solve problems using critical thinking and creativity

4. Integrate industry standards, modern fitting and management techniques for the swine, sheep, and cattle show ring

5. Practice aesthetic and creative activities