Alcohol and Drug Policy

Drug Free Campus

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) require that Central Wyoming College inform its students and employees of the legal sanctions of illicit drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and controlled substances and/or illegal drugs may not be possessed, sold, or consumed on any college property, including housing, or at any college-sponsored event, unless otherwise allowed by law or College policy. Students violating this policy may be expelled from the college. Students and non-students may be subject to further legal action by the college.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The Central Wyoming College Board of Trustees and the Student Senate have enacted a drug and alcohol policy that states that drugs and alcoholic beverages may not be present on campus or at college sponsored activities.

The policy states that the college may take disciplinary action for the following violations:

• The possession, use, sale or distribution of narcotics, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs for which the person does not have a prescription, on college premises or at college-sponsored activities.

• The possession, use, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages on college premises or at college-sponsored activities without the approval of the President or his/her designee.