NAIS 4100 Tribal Government

This course examines traditional systems of tribal governance: the establishment of contemporary tribal governments; stakeholders and their goals; factors influencing tribal government operations, including the federal trust relationship, plenary power, tribal-federal and tribal-state relations; powers of tribal governments; and the future of tribal governments. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Traditional Societies and Culture Revitalization
  • Government Reform
  • Tribal Courts
  • Leadership
  • Government to Government Relationship
  • Tribal Program Management
  • Nation Building


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Defend tribal sovereignty and self-governance.

2. Propose tribal program's role in tribal codes and policy development.

3. Combine traditional and western education in the context of rebuilding tribal well-being.

4. Differentiate the standard and nation building approach of tribal governance and leadership.

5. Construct a model of a healthy indigenous nation.

6. Integrate traditional ways of knowing as tools for leadership and governance.

7. Manage tribal resources for future generations through strategic planning.