FDSC 2040 Principles of Meat Animal Evaluation
The student will evaluate livestock and carcass beef, lamb and pork. Slaughter, meat inspection and anatomy are discussed. (2 lect., 2 lab)
Major Topics
- PhcnoLypic livestock evaluation
- Live animal grading.
- Yield grading for beef and lamb carcasses
- Quality grading for beef and lamb carcasses
- USDA pork grading
- Primal and Retail id
- Pricing ( carcass value)
- Breeding and Genetics
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Visually appraise livestock.
2. Visually appraise and measure meat animal carcasses.
3. Calculate USDA yield grades for beef and lamb carcasses.
4. Determine USDA quality grades for beef and lamb carcasses.
5. Determine USDA grades of pork carcasses.
6. Calculate carcass and live animal value.
7. Investigate the relationship between meat animal growth/development, selection/breeding and carcass value.