CNTK 1654 Framing: Roof

This course is designed to teach the student procedures for laying out gable or hip roofs using stick built rafters and engineered trusses. This course includes instruction in erecting a gable roof using sheathing and trusses. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CNTK 1652. (1 lect., 2 lab)


2 credits

Major Topics

  • Roof Framing:
  • a. Terminology, tools, and equipment used in constructing a roof system on a residential structure.
  • b. Types of roofs.
  • c. Instructions for laying out rafters for gable, hip roofs, and valley sections.
  • d. Types of trusses and sheathing used in roof framing.
  • e. Erecting a gable roof using rafters and trusses.


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify and explain the terms associated with roof framing.

2. Identify the roof framing members used in gable and hip roofs.

3. Identify the methods used to calculate the length of a rafter.

4. Identify the various types of trusses used in roof framing.

5. Use a rafter framing square, speed square, and calculator in laying out a roof.

6. Identify various types of sheathing used in roof construction.

7. Describe how to frame a gable roof with vent openings.

8. Frame a roof opening.

9. Construct a frame roof, which includes one or more of the following: hips, valleys, commons, jack rafters, and sheathing.

10. Describe how to erect a gable roof using trusses.

11. Estimate the materials used in framing and sheathing a roof.

12. Demonstrate knowledge of the terminology, tools, and equipment used in constructing a roof system on a residential structure.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Contact on-campus instructor for required textbook. The student is expected to furnish basic carpentry hand tools: 1 Safety Glasses 2 Tool Belt/Suspenders/Nail Bag 3 Tool Box 4 Hammer (Straight Claw) 5 25' Tape Measure 6 Utility Knife 7 Utility Pry Bar 8 Chisel Assortment 9 48" Level 10 Combination Square 11 Framing Square 12 Screwdriver Assortment 13 Nail Set 14 Chalk Line 15 Pliers 16 Coping Saw During this course, the student should expect to be exposed to various tools, materials, substances, and liquids that are used in the construction industry. These products may be hazardous if handled improperly. The student is required to follow established safety procedures and to consult Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when necessary. The student must contact the instructor for guidance before using unknown materials or tools in class or on the work site. The student is required to possess basic personal safety equipment including eye and hearing protection and to wear shirts, long pants, supporting/protective footwear, and other clothing necessary to work safely at a construction shop/worksite. Failure to come to class prepared or failing to follow safe work procedures may result in summary dismissal from class.